Unperturbed Earth-orbiting SatelliteΒΆ

This tutorial describes how to propagate the orbit of an unperturbed satellite about Earth using the MATLAB Interface to generate an input file that is then provided to the json_interface application. This example is similar (but not identical) to the example Unperturbed Earth-orbiting Satellite written in C++. The code for this example can be found at:


The first part of the script sets up the Simulation object. This is identical to the initial part of matlabInterface_tutorialsSeamless_basicPropagation, so it is not repeated here.

Once that all the settings have been defined, instead of calling simulatinon.run(), we export the Simulation object to a JSON file. However, we have to specify first the results to be exported to output files:

inputFile = fullfile('input','main.json');

Here, the fullfile function is used to build a platform-dependent path (e.g. input/main.json on Unix systems, input\main.json on Windows). In the first line, we declare the path to which the input file will be saved (will be used later). Then, in the second line, we request the variables independent and state to be saved to a file at ../output/results.txt.

Then, we request the application to generate a file containing the full settings actually used for the propagation (including all the default values):

simulation.options.fullSettingsFile = 'fullSettings.json';

This file will be generated inside the input directory, because paths are specified relative to the root input file (input/main.json in this case), and not relative to the directory in which the MATLAB script is located.

The last step is to generate the JSON file:


After running json_interface main.json, the resulting directory tree looks like this:

| input
|     |
|     | fullSettings.json
|     | main.json
| output
|      |
|      | results.txt
| generateInput.m
| processOutput.m

The script processOutput.m can be used to generate a plot using the results file.